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Why Your Business Should Be Blogging

In recent years, blogging has become a top source of information sharing. Blogs are a simple, easy-to-use platform for connecting with others through a direct line of communication. Not only is blogging a great way to build your brand, but they also keep your audience engaged. In a world where humans are busier than ever before it’s important to stay prevalent in the forefront of their minds.

Here are some of the many benefits of blogging:

  • Over 50% of businesses that maintain a blog acquire more customers, according to a recent HubSpot survey. This should be enough to get working on that blog!

  • Your blog is communication directly from you. Clients and customers love this personal connection. They also like having the accessibility.

  • Your blog is a forum to share all your social media outlets. The more followers you can get, the more your business will grow. Tip: Be sure your social media URL’s are tagged in each post so readers are able to share the content easily.

  • When you plug in key words and make your posts SEO friendly, search engines then share this valuable content to those who are searching using these key words. This means more traffic for you!

  • Blogging gives your company a voice. It creates a forum where you can discuss products, expertise, services, market trends and company initiatives. It’s a great place to build a stellar reputation and trust for your brand.

  • Blogging opens up communication with customers, prospects and industry peers. Tip: Always try to promote two-way communication. When people take the time to comment on your page, be sure to reply. This proves there is someone on the other end who is truly listening.

  • Blogging creates free PR. Once your posts start to get noticed, people come to you as the expert and often times start promoting you and your business. It’s a win-win!

  • Blogging builds relationships and sales. Customers start to look at you as a reliable resource for information. This trust leads to sales and referrals, which, you guessed it, leads to more sales.

  • Blogging allows you to tell the story of your brand. It’s a great place to offer insight into the company, showcase your employees, and share your ideas. Emotional connections foster loyalty from customers.

  • Blogs are the most cost-effective marketing tool. Every post is essentially a long-term asset that helps build brand awareness, promote your products and services, and gain loyal customers.

Blogging can be time consuming, but it’s absolutely worth it especially if you’re a small business or a service related business. Positioning yourself in the marketplace is key to growing your brand. Set a stage for your brand to be seen and the followers will come.

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